Solon, OH - February 2023Bird releases the MRI3T Kit, a medical MRI calibration test kit.
Equipment accuracy is a top priority for medical industries that use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment. Compliant MRI systems are vital when it comes to delivering effective patient care. There are strict limits set by the FDA as to duration & intensity of RF radiation you can be exposed to during a scan. To make sure RF power limits are not exceeded, Bird’s MRI3T Kit is specially designed to measure the peak power delivered from the amplifier.
This all-in-one RF measurement solution, which includes RF Power Meter Display, Load, RF Power Sensor, Rugged Carrying Case, Elements and Adapters, is calibrated using the same pulse amplifiers used for the MRI machines right here in Solon.
These kits are deployed to Hospitals all over the globe where technicians will disconnect the RF cabling connected to the MRI machine and use our test kit to determine the power output. “Technologists, radiologists, and facility staff all work hard to ensure MRI safety for every patient they treat and rely on service technicians, MRI providers and maintenance teams to have the proper test equipment to make sure their MR equipment is calibrated and safe”, states Michelle Specht, Product Manager of Bird’s Test and Measurement products.

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