Identify and Solve Complex RF Interference Problems
Solving interference issues is arguably one of the most vexing challenges faced by commercial terrestrial and satellite-based wireless communications carriers as well as by military in-theater operations during conflicts, and homeland security applications well. Even when the spectral environment is known, the extreme density of the electromagnetic spectrum between ELF and about 6 GHz makes interference inevitable. The legendary topside antenna farms of Navy ships present and even more challenging problem as radars potentially interfere with EW and communications systems, none of which can be simply turned off to benefit the others.
IQC5000B RF Record and Playback System, Spectro-X, Signal Analysis Toolkit software & RF Editor, capture-file manipulation software provides unique capabilities in helping to solve even the most complex interference problems. The IQC5000B goes far beyond what a spectrum analyzer can achieve in taking a snapshot of an RF environment that cannot detect signals that are transient in duration or spectral location or appear infrequently, alone or in combination. |
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